DOLPHIN DAY of ISTRIA 2015 very successfull
Vivamar je včeraj izvedel letos že drugi 'Dan delfinov Istre & Slovenije 2015' Udeleženih je bilo več kot 70 otrok in starši, ki so kasneje z navdušenjem poslušali tudi predavanje o delfinih.
DOLPHIN DAY of ISTRIA 2015 very successfull
Vivamar Society has excecuted yesterday already a second Dolphin Day of Istra & Slovenia 2015, this time in Funtana. There were more than 70 children present with their parents (or keepers) who later listened also to the popular presentation about the Dolphins living just
DOLPHIN DAY of ISTRIA 2015 very successfull
Vivamar je včeraj izvedel letos že drugi 'Dan delfinov Istre & Slovenije 2015' Udeleženih je bilo več kot 70 otrok in starši, ki so kasneje z navdušenjem poslušali tudi predavanje o delfinih.
Visit in Vrsar summer school
We will have an educative day about dolphins in Vrsar, on 17th July 2015. You are invited to visit too!
Visit in Vrsar summer school
Vivamar will excecute an educative day about dolphins in Vrsar, on 17th July 2015. You are invited to visit too!
Visit in Vrsar summer school
We will have an educative day about dolphins in Vrsar, on 17th July 2015. You are invited to visit too!
VIVAMAR – prostovoljstvo za ohranitev delfinov
Zaščita delfinov s pomočjo volonterskega dela pri VIVAMAR-ju. Poglejte si video. ki smo ga pravkar posneli - z vpogledom dela prostovoljcev.
VIVAMAR Dolphin volunteer video
VIVAMAR Dolphin volunteer video We just published Vivamar's Dolphin volunteer video. Check it out, to see the hands-on activities in Dolphin conservation! Thanks to our volutneer Connor O’Hagan for editing and compiling it!