Popular and Scientific Publications and Citations

  • Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana, 2017. Ethology of Dolphins, activities of Vivamar Society and ecology of Dolphins off Istria and Slovenia, presented by Darja Ribarič.
  • Public Library of Kamnik. Hormonal imbalance: why do we gain weight by having the same diet? In the light of that healthy persons contribute to the healthy & sustainable environment, which can be projected as well to a marine environment. Presented by Darja Ribarič.
  • Radio Koper, RTV Slovenia, 2017. An intervew with Darja Ribarič “Dolphins communicate with using their names“.
  • University of Ljubljana, 2017. Cognitive Science, Interdisciplinary studying programme; project ‘Thank you for the neurones‘, 2017. “Animal Cognition“, invited guests (Kralj Fišer S., Ribarič D. and Muršič Z.) are talking about animal cognition, including dolphins as the main topic of Vivamar Society research in the NE Adriatic.
  • Radio Trieste, RAI, 2017. An intervew with Darja Ribarič about Bottlenose dolphins in the Slovenian Sea and off W coast of Istria.
  • Ribarič D., 2016. American Cetacean Society, poster presentation “First abundance and distribution report of the common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) off west Istria, North-Eastern Adriatic Sea
  • Ribarič D., 2015. University of Ljubljana, Department of Biology, popular presentation: “Dolphins in Slovenia and off west coast of Istria – an Adriatic tresure”
  • Ribarič D., 2015. Presentation about Vivamar Society at the biggest diving club Norik Sub “Dolphins in Slovenia and Istria, why are they important?”
  • Ribarič D., 2014. “Kaj se dogaja s slovenskimi delfini?” Siol.net, 04.07.2014
  • Ribarič D., 2014. “Delfini cacciati dal petrolio, Adriatico a rischio ambientaleGaianews.it, 07.02. 2014
  • Ribarič D., Tomše P. 2013. “Radostan susret“. More, nautički magazin (oktober – november 2013), 104-109
  • Ribarič D., 2013. “Delfini“, delavnica za otroke. Projekt: “Živeti s pristaniščem – dogodki” Luka Koper. 17.03.2013
  • Ribarič D., 2012. “Delfini Slovenije in drugod.” Vivamar. Edukativni stenski koledar 2012.”
  • Ribarič D., 2012.Cetaceans in Trieste Gulf, from active to passive monitoring. V: Where to go and what to eat (Scaravelli D., Zaccaroni A.); Animal production and food security 4: 79-87
  • Ribarič D., 2011. “Delfini v slovenskem morju.” Slovenska potapljaška zveza, 16.02.2011
  • Ribarič D., Herlec T. 2008. First report on Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) near the promontory of the Istrian Peninsula, Croatia. 22nd Conference of the European Cetacean Society , Amsterdam, Netherlands. Conference guide & abstracts, pp. 270
  • Ribarič D., Herlec T. 2008. Velika pliskavka (Tursiops truncatus) v morju pred rtom Kamenjak: prvo poročilo. Vpliv človekovih dejavnosti na morju, morskem obrežju in zalednju na biotsko raznovrstnost severnega Jadrana; Medn. strokovno srečanje, Piran, Slovenija
  • Ribarič D., Alenka Cevc. 2008. “Plava z delfini.” Mag, 14, 13 (2.4.2008), 24-26
  • Revelli E., 2008. Il Mondo dei Delfini. Nutrimenti slr. Objava fotografij D. Ribarič: 8, 18, 19, 28, 49;
  • Zavodnik K., Koprivnikar N., Ribarič D. 2008. “Delfini v slovenskem morju : raziskovalna naloga s področja biologije”
  • Alijeski Aleš. Maj 2007. “Kako se igrajo delfini.” Gea (navedba spletne strani društva Vivamar).
  • Ribarič D., Robinson K. 2006. Raba habitata in pripadnost določenim predelom v habitatu velike pliskavke (Tursiops truncatus) v slovenskem morju in Tržaškem zalivu: prva ocena. Ohranjanje biotske raznovrstnosti severnega Jadrana, Zbornik prispevkov, Strunjan: 61-63)
  • Ribarič D., Robinson K. 2006. The habitat use and site fidelity of Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Slovenian sea and bay of Trieste: a first estimation. 20th Conference of the European Cetacean Society , Gdynia, Poland. Conference guide & abstracts, pp.213ribaric_robinson_ecs2006fin.ppt
  • Ribarič D. Platovšek T.2006. Slovenski delfini na begu. Direkt, 2, 216 (september 2006), str. 8-9
  • Ribarič D. 2006. Polet 07, 16. februar in Polet 10, 9. marec, Magazin Dela in Slov. novic, fotografija, str.59
  • Ribarič D., Katerina Ferkov. 2006. “Klic delfinov.” Elle, (maj 2006), str. 124
  • Ribarič D. strokovni pregled knjige »Življenje in smrt kitov«
  • Lipej L. in ostali. 2006. Ogrožene vrste in habitatni tipi v slovenskem morju (str. 192-193; o delovanju društva Vivamar)
  • Ribarič D. 2006. “Ohranimo morske sesalce v severnem Jadranu.” Osvoboditev živali, 3, 7 (junij 2006), str.7
  • Ribarič D., 2006. “Delfini Slovenije in drugod.” Vivamar. Edukativni stenski koledar 2006.”
  • Ribarič D. 2005. “Delfini in Slovenia.” Cetacea news, 14, 25 (2005), str. 26-28
  • Ribarič D. 2004. Fins
  • Ribarič D., 2004. “Dolphins as bioindicators of the ecological sea state”. International Conference of East-West dialogue about the seas. Stranka Mladih Slovenije . Izola, Slovenija, April 2004.
  • Ribarič D. 2004. “Predstavitev društva Vivamar.” Internautica novosti. Mednarodni salon navtike, 11.-16.maj 2004, Marina Portorož, str.9
  • Ribarič D. 2004, Anno XIV n.25. Delfini in Slovenia. Cetacea Informa: str. 26-28
  • Ribarič D. 2003. Questionnaire feed back and preliminary observations of the Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Slovenia. 17th Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Conference guide and abstracts book, pp.251
  • Ribarič D. 2001. Questionnaire feed back and preliminary observations of the bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Slovenia. Marine mammals and sound, Str. 251-252
  • Ribarič D., 1989. “Ali bodo kiti preživeli?” Proteus, 51, 8 (apr. 1989), str. 306-310
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• International Workshop on Detection and Localization of Marine Mammals using Pasive Acoustics: 2005 (Monaco);

AdriaWatch projekt, znotraj AdriaSafe  INTERREG III projekta:2006 (Cesenatico, Italy); Vivamar kot edini partner v Sloveniji;

• International Workshop on Detection, Classification and Localization of Marine Mammals Using Passive Acoustics: 2009 (Pavia, Italy);

• IBAC – International Bioacoustic Council: 1996 (Pavia, Italija), •IBAC – International Bioacoustic Council: 2001 (Cogne, Italija),

• IBAC – International Bioacoustic Council: 2005 (Portorož, Slovenija);  Vivamar je bil v organizacijskem odboru in posodil je logo

• Združenje za kite in delfine (ECS – European Cetacean Society): 1998 (Monaco),

• ECS – European Cetacean Society: 2001 (Rim, Italija), •ECS – European Cetacean Society: 2003 (Grand Canary Island, Spain),

• ECS – European Cetacean Society: 2004 (Liege, Belgija) 2006 (Gdynia, Poljska),

• ECS – European Cetacean Society: 2008 (Egmond aan Zee, Nizozemska),

• ECS – European Cetacean Society: 2013 (Setúbal, Portugalska);

Cetacean echolocation  and outer space neutrinos: ethology and physics: 2013 (Sicilija, Italija);